If for some reason, the control file in oracle is not accessible, the database does not function properly. Only the oracle server can modify the information in the control file no database administrator or end-user can edit the control file. Oracle server updates the control file continuously during the database is in use, so it must be available for writing whenever the database is open. Before a database is opened, the control file in oracle is read to determine if the database is in a valid state to use. Each control file is associated with only one oracle database.

The control file in oracle is a small binary file necessary for the database to start and operate successfully.
Steps to Install Oracle Database 11g on Linux.Revoking user privileges and roles - Oracle DBA.Oracle Database Startup and Shutdown Procedure.Managing User Privileges and Roles - Oracle DBA.Managing the undo tablespace - Oracle DBA.Managing the sysaux tablespace - Oracle DBA.Listing privilege and role information in Oracle DBA.
How to Tune and Setting the Undo Retention Period - Oracle DBA.How to Specify nonstandard block sizes for tablespaces - Oracle DBA.Oracle Rename Tablespace - Dropping Table Space.How to Create Profiles and Password Management in Oracle DBA.Granting roles and privileges in Oracle DBA.Access to Network Services in Oracle Database - Oracle DBA.Search for “Clipboard” in the search box. To find it, open a new tab, paste chrome://flags into Chrome’s Omnibox and then press the Enter key. This hidden feature is available as a flag. This article will show you how it’s done.Long-tap a word to select it on a web page.Drag the set of bounding handles to highlight all the text you want to copy.Tap Copy on the toolbar that appears.Tap and hold on the field where you want to paste the text until a toolbar appears. If you want to copy text from a website that disabled text selection, press CTRL + U to open the website source code and copy the text directly from there. Press the “Print Screen” key if the Web page that you want to print fits within a single browser window and does not require scrolling.

How to Enable Print in Print-Disabled Web PagesCopy the contents of a print-disabled page by pressing the “Ctrl + A” keys together to select all text and other elements on the page.
The digital content that you purchased will be delivered in a PDC file, which is an encrypted PDF file that can only be opened (by a single user) after properly registering your copy and downloading and installing the LockLizard Safeguard PDF Viewer software that was bundled with your file(s). If the file requires a password for decryption, contact the person who issued the file to get the password.Click “Unlock”. How to convert PDC to PDF filesDownload and install Locklizard Safeguard Secure PDF Viewer.Click “File” and choose “Open”.Select the file you want to convert.